Playing Aaron Goldman in
the Feature Film
Directed by Jerry Sommer and Mitchel Worley
Created, Written and Produced by Jill Melody
Wayne starred as Applegate (The Devil) in
at the Wick Theatre in March of 2023
Before they were OSCAR Nominees, Wayne worked with The Daniels on this independent film.
Featured at the Sundance Film Festival in 2020
Directed by The Daniels.
Simply Men's Health Commercial & VO - 2022
Various clips of Wayne's Network TV and film work
Updated 2023
A Reel of some of Wayne's Commercial work
Wayne still hasn't gotten up from the chair after using Calming Heat
Wayne in a 1.3 million dollar Ferrari
Wayne plays a Dad who loves to sing (and yes that's his real voice in the spot).
Featured in a Clear 2o Commercial
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